Chiropractic Quotes, Epigrams and Sayings Posters

The Choice Is Yours Chiropractic Poster - 18" X 24"
(Laminated or Heavy Weight Paper)

I take Ambien for the insomnia from No Doz I take because I get drowsy from Xenical I take for weight gain caused by Motrin I take for joint pain from taking Pepcid I take for heartburn caused by Viagra I take for the dysfunction from Zoloft I take for my anxiety disorder.
Adverse Reactions to Drugs Cause 1.5 Million Hospitalizations Each Year.
Treat the spiral of side effects, or exercise, start a healthy diet, drink plenty of water daily, meditate 10-20 minutes every day and get regular chiropractic care. The Choice Is Yours!

The Choice Is Yours

The Choice Is Yours Chiropractic Poster - 18" X 24"
(Laminated or Heavy Weight Paper)

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The Choice Is Yours Chiropractic Poster - 18" X 24"

Heavy Weight Paper - $18.00 + Shipping

The Choice Is Yours Chiropractic Poster - 18" X 24"

Laminated - $22.00 + Shipping