Chiropractic Boards - Physiotherapy Exam Overview

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TEST PLAN Physiotherapy Overview

Thermotherapy (11%)
- Hot moist packs
- Ultrasound
- Cryotherapy

Electrotherapy (11%)
- Interferential current
- High voltage therapy
- Electrical muscle stimulation
- Microcurrent

Mechanotherapy (10%)
- Cervical/lumbar traction
- Massage, vibration and trigger point therapy
- Bracing/orthotics
- Taping

Phototherapy (5%)
- Cold laser
- Ultraviolet

Functional Assessment (10%)
- Gait
- Movement patterns
- Muscle imbalances

Exercise Physiology (7%)
- Neurobiology of training and conditioning
- Biochemistry of training and conditioning

Endurance Training (6%)
- Aerobic capacity and adaption
- Cardiovascular rehabilitation

Muscle Rehabilitation (10%)
- Stretching techniques
- Strengthening protocols

Neuromuscular Rehabilitation (12%)
- Balance and alignment
- Coordinated movement patterns
- Core/spine stabilization

Disorder-specific Rehabilitation (18%)
- Spine and pelvis
- Upper extremities
- Lower extremities


Chiropractic Board Review Books
NBCE Chiropractic National Board Review & Exam Reference Books.

Physical Therapy Reference Books
Physical Therapy - Chiropractic Board Exam Reference Text


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