Charts of Anatomy and Physiology

Organs of Digestion - Plate 6 - 18" X 24"
(Laminated or Heavy Weight Paper)

Anatomy and physiology chart of the organs of digestion. Organs of the abdomibal cavity. Intestines, liver, gallbladder, stomach. Cross section of intestinal wall. Section of a toot. Lymph nodes. Reproduction antique poster from the W. & A.K. Johnston's charts of anatomy and physiology by William Turner, Professor of Anatomy, University of Edinburgh.
Also available in 24" X 36"

Organs of Digestion Anatomy Poster

Organs of Digestion - Plate 6 - 18" X 24"
(Laminated or Heavy Weight Paper)

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Organs of Digestion - Plate 6 - 18" X 24"

Heavy Weight Paper - $18.00 + Shipping

Organs of Digestion - Plate 6 - 18" X 24"

Laminated - $22.00 + Shipping