The Patient Checklist Printable Poster / Chart

A freindly Reminder for Patients to Inform us of Changes in their Conditions.

Download as PDF file and print 8.5" X 11" up to 17" X 22". The patient checklist poster is a friendly reminder for patients to look over while in the reception area or exam room to inform doctors of changes in their condition or new conditions.

How many times has a patient "just remembered" they have a headache or some other new condition while you are leaving the eaxm room? It has happened to all of us. This poster list alerts that they should ask doctors about during the visit or inform the stall of before entering the exam room..

List of general conditions, gastro-intestinal, genito-urinary, eyes, ears, nose, throat, diet, ADL, cardiovascualr, conditons for men and women.

Patient Checklist Poster

Choose from 4 different background images.

Patient Checklist Poster

Patient Checklist Printable Poster - Color Spine (PatientCheckList30)
Instant PDF Download $5.00

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Patient Checklist Poster

Patient Checklist Printable Poster - Anterior Skeleton (PatientCheckList31)
Instant PDF Download $5.00

User Agreement, grants to the User a limited license to use the files and Images. By downloading the files and Images, the User agrees to only use the files and images for prints, personal or business. The User is prohibited from reselling, storing, transferring or distributing the digital files and images in whole or part of a collection.

Patient Checklist Poster

Patient Checklist Printable Poster - Posterior Skeleton (PatientCheckList33)
Instant PDF Download $5.00

User Agreement, grants to the User a limited license to use the files and Images. By downloading the files and Images, the User agrees to only use the files and images for prints, personal or business. The User is prohibited from reselling, storing, transferring or distributing the digital files and images in whole or part of a collection.

Patient Checklist Poster

Patient Checklist Printable Poster - Brain Cross Section (PatientCheckList32)
Instant PDF Download $5.00

User Agreement, grants to the User a limited license to use the files and Images. By downloading the files and Images, the User agrees to only use the files and images for prints, personal or business. The User is prohibited from reselling, storing, transferring or distributing the digital files and images in whole or part of a collection.

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